Friday, June 6, 2008

Self- Evaluation

In your opinion, what are the most important skills for 21st Century learning?
story telling, being creative, making global connections.
What are the most important technology skills to infuse into your learning environment? (Feel free to cite the NETS*S and/or the P21 Framework)
We must have the core subjects at the base of the learning. But we must be able to add in life & career skills, learning and innovative skills, and technology skills.

Tell some ways, via digital tools, you have learned to:
• Create/Innovate - VoiceThreads
• Communicate/Collaborate - google docs, wikis
• Problem-Solve/Critically Think, etc… google earth, thinking how to change your curriculum to include collaborative learning

Changes you can implement TODAY in your teaching (as a result of this class) (don’t necessarily have to be technology-related) - Have the kids make more decisions as far as how they present their know of a topic, especially culminating activities.

Assess yourself and your learning journey this week. Did you…?
• Create more than you consumed? -No, but I did come up with lots of different activities to use various Web 2.0 tools on.
• Contribute to a collective/shared body of knowledge? - yes, I felt that a lot of great ideas came from our group discussions and from the guest speaker D. Schmit
• Participate in digital dialogue? - yes especially through the class blog - I am still toying with the idea of how to best use blogging in my classes, but do know that I do what to incorporate it.
• Use self-directed or discovery learning? (find some answers on your own) - Yes, it is really nice to just sit down and search for classroom ideas. This kind of "forced" me to do the searching I always leave to another time. It also paid off because I was able to find 2 lessons that I really like and plan to use.
Please try to give specific examples of all of the above.

Finally, did you “Think Different”?Yes, especially with the topics from our textbook that we went over. It made me think about different aspects of learning, especially things like story telling, empathy and design.
Or, how has your thinking changed (if at all) as a result of taking this course?

Dan Schmit Conversation - Podcasts

Well, I took many ideas down during his talk and then accidentally dropped the site - OOPS!
The big thing that I took away from him was STORYTELLING and how it is probably one of the biggest 21 st century skills.

Dan Schmit Conversation - Podcasting

I really like his views on the learning process.
ITO - Input, Transform the "stuff" - Output
Where you can take podcasting?
  • Public Relations
  • Curriculular Support
  • Prof Developmenet
  • Course Delivery
  • Academic Expression - tell the story/ how the kid looks at the problem
How do you transform the information into a way that is better for the kids?
Give kids the opportunity to address an audience.
Passive Reception to Active Creation

Podcasting gives value, purpose, authenticity, confidence!
Good podcast activities....
Has to have a purpose
Must have good sound quality
Rooted in what we are studying
Aware of the audience
Make a good plan
80% content - 20% production
Visualize your audience
Collect good evidence
Explore unique angles and perspectives
Weave a compelling story -
STORY TELLING! Probably one of the most important 21st Century Skills

Voice Threads Mania

Yesterday I was having a love-hate relationship with this site.
After making it more difficult that it acutally was, I am back to loving it!!!!!
I found how to get the Pro version for educators - FREE!!!! (read your websites carefully :)
I am going to let my kids get an account and use them for each vocabulary section of each chapter of the book!
I have already done 3 of them - so easy and fun!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

1st day sample

1st Day of School

Thur. Afternoon Discussion

I agree with what Katie said about just having to step out of your comfort zone - reach out with a project - something maybe uncomfortable - and let the kids give you the knowledge.
Also- don't always give out a sample of what you are looking for - let the students show you what they can do with a problem/project.

Web 2.0 Promo

click here to see my pp

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Anti-Teaching Article

Good Article - I like the new phrase that the author coined - AntiTeaching
It is true - We have been doing it this way for so long, it is very difficult to change and yes, how do we expect students to excel if we don't change to fit the times. It was like deja vĂș when I read these things:
“How long does this paper need to be?” Or the worst (and most common) of all:
“What do we need to know for this test?” - All the time!
My favorite quote from the article is this:
"Focusing on the quality of learning, rather than the quality of teaching transforms
the entire educational agenda." That is a difficult transition to make but one that needs to happen.

Voice Threads

I really liked this idea for Spanish students. I have been looking for different ways to have them speaking in Spanish - here it is ...

Voice Threads

I really liked this idea for Spanish students. I have been looking for different ways to have them speaking in Spanish - here it is ...

Wednesday Morning

The video we watched was good, but I have to agree with Tammy and Steve.... The kid has to take some ownership in their learning. They have to come with a good attitude and be ready to learn.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Tuesday Info

I really enjoyed watching everyone's "advertisement" of their Web 2.0 site. I got some good ideas that I plan to use in my classes and with my own kids :)

Reading: Teaching for Tomorrow Ch 1

I liked the introduction to this book - But, I wanted to say DUH!
He really repeats himself a lot with the idea that we need to teach more 21st C skills.
I did like his representation of the "highly educated useless person" - hits home the idea that we teach many "school skills" instead of real-world skills. - I agree with that one whole-heartedly!

6 word stories

Dad told me, Work Hard Everyday!

Monday, June 2, 2008

enGauge 21st Century Skills: Literacy in the Digital Age

Wow - a lot of information! Lots of great research has been done and many very prominent people have been quoted throughout this document. My favorite one was this:
"The research indicates that all children—regardless
of age, gender, socioeconomic status, and academic
status—can excel when immersed in such meaningful,
challenging work" (Newmann et al., 2001).

There were also 3 main ideas outlined in the introduction:
1. Education leaders must formally incorpo-
rate them into the mainstream of school curriculum,
instruction, and assessment.
2. Technology serves as a bridge to more engaged,
relevant, meaningful, and personalized learning—
all of which can lead to higher academic achievement.
3. Technology provides a platform for more informed
decision making using timely, meaningful data to
shape learning opportunities.

Finally, I liked how they described in detail the different types of literacies that must be addresses in the digital age.
1.Basic Literacy
8.Global Awareness

Video on 21st Century Skills

In addition to the questions that Katie will supply us, I am planning to ask my business people to rate the following topics in order of importance for the school to try to instill in our students - what they feel are the top 3 attributes needed in their line of work.
Leadership, Ethics, Accountability, Adaptability, Personal Productivity, Personal Responsibility, People Skills, Self Direction, Social Responsibility.

Monday Afternoon

First- Katie never should have put this candy tray here in front of Steve and I!
Now class stuff-
I am trying to decide what would be better for my Spanish kids to use - a blog or a wiki
I like that they can edit each others materials on a wiki, but I also like how they just can post stuff on the blog.
I guess I have to decide what "thing" I want to do and when....

Day 1 Monday Morning

Here we are bright and early on Monday morning starting our journey on how to hopefully catch-up to the students we are teaching.